
The works for this virtual exhibition have been developed in a 3-month virtual residency program developed with support and mentorship from GlobalGRACE. Presented alongside their perspectives and creative processes and archives, the works allude not only to the thriving talent of entry-level Philippine queer artists in the time of the pandemic but also the contexts of their practices and the communities they form part of. From the range of questions on intimacy and social life emerge the following: home and family; partnerships and romantic relationships; the potential of art and performance to craft contexts hospitable to disparate social lives and communities; experiences both exceptional and ordinary; the works of the artists for the exhibition open up preconceived notions of what queerness involves, or the sufficiency of queerness as a term to encompass the variations, initiating conversations that are at times awkward or uncomfortable, but always striving for sympathy, or the radical imagination of commonality through and beyond difference.

© 2021. GlobalGRACE Philippines